Beard, Mustache and Sideburn transplant

Beard, mustache, and sideburn transplantation is a microsurgery method applied to intensify hair follicles that are missing or sparse in the facial area. These procedures ensure that beards, mustaches, and sideburns, which play an important role in men’s facial aesthetics, become fuller and more shapely. These transplant procedures offer an ideal solution for people who experience hair loss in these areas due to genetic factors, hormonal imbalances, injuries, or burns.

Table of Contents

Beard Transplant

Beard transplantation is the process of transferring hair follicles from the donor area to beardless or sparse beard areas of the face. Hair follicles, usually taken from the nape area, are planted in accordance with the natural growth direction and angle of the beard. Beard transplantation is planned according to the person’s facial structure and aesthetic preferences, thus achieving a natural and symmetrical appearance.

Who Is It Suitable For?

Beard transplantation is suitable for men who have gaps or thinning in their beard, want to intensify their beard, or are beardless. Additionally, people who have experienced beard loss due to scars or burns can also benefit from this procedure.

Mustache Transplant

Mustache transplantation is a procedure performed to fill in sparse or missing hair follicles in the mustache area. Hair follicles taken from the donor area are planted in the mustache area in accordance with their natural direction and angles. Mustache transplantation creates an important emphasis in male facial aesthetics by increasing the natural thickness and shape of the mustache.

Who Is It Suitable For?

Mustache transplantation is suitable for men who have sparse hair growth in the mustache area, want to give their mustache a fuller appearance, or have no hair growth in the mustache area.

Sideburn Transplant

Sideburn transplantation is a technique applied to intensify or reshape the hair in the sideburn area located on the side of the face. Since sideburns have a framing role in the overall appearance of the face, hair deficiencies in this area can create an aesthetic problem. With sideburn transplantation, hair follicles taken from the donor area are carefully placed in the sideburn area, providing an appearance that is compatible with the person’s facial features.

Who Is It Suitable For?

Sideburn transplantation is ideal for men who have thinning, asymmetry, or deficiency in the sideburn area and want to intensify this area. Especially those who prefer a prominent sideburn appearance in facial aesthetics can benefit from this procedure.

Advantages and Results

Natural Appearance:

Since beard, mustache, and sideburn transplantation is done considering natural direction and angles, a natural appearance is achieved in the area after transplantation.

Personalized Solutions:

These transplant procedures are planned according to each individual’s facial structure and aesthetic expectations, thus offering personalized solutions.

Minimally Invasive Method:

Beard, mustache, and sideburn transplantation is a minimally invasive microsurgery procedure, so the healing process is fast and comfortable.

Permanent Results:

Permanent and long-lasting results are obtained in the transplanted area as the roots take hold.


Beard, mustache, and sideburn transplantation is an effective method preferred by men to improve their facial aesthetics, increase their self-confidence, and achieve a more attractive appearance. These procedures hold an important place in the field of modern aesthetic surgery with their natural appearance and minimal recovery times. Beard, mustache, and sideburn transplantation offers an ideal solution for men who experience hair deficiency or want to make their facial features more prominent.

Hair Transplant

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